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Jimmy Kimmel pranks staff and his poor cousin with a wax figure of himself
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I love jump scares. I inherited it from my father’s love of jump scares, my whole family did. And everyone loves to get me because I am so easy to scare, compliments of my brothers taking every opportunity to scare the holy bejeebus out of me throughout my childhood. My poor husband can’t walk down a hallway without my gasping in terror, to which he responds, “but I live here – you have to expect I’ll be walking around!” Knowing this, please do not show my children the clip that Jimmy Kimmel aired the other night of how he pranked his staff. The backstory is that Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum created a likeness of Jimmy to appear in a new display they are calling “The Jimmy Kimmel Experience.” So naturally, Jimmy had the wax figure delivered to his office prior to installation so he could terrorize his staff with it. And it did not disappoint. Not only did a drove of staffers get a frightening start to their workday, Jimmy had his folks move it throughout the studio so the entire day was disrupted with his waxy doppelganger lying in wait. But Jimmy’s cousin Micki Marseglia got the worst of it. After she proved an easy mark, they just outright targeted her to cross paths with Wax Jimmy. But the final prank on poor Micki is just delicious, stay until the end of the video for that, you will not be disappointed:
Jimmy cannot recover at the end, he has tears in his eyes. I don’t blame him, I laughed to tears the first three times I watched it. Oh my gosh – I could watch people getting scared like this for hours. Wax Jimmy is pretty good, to be honest. That’s often not the case, but this one comes close so yeah, this must have been shocking to come across in an empty hallway. Plus, wax figures are inherently creepy. I can’t be in a room alone with those museum displays, I’m always convinced they’re going to move. I almost met my maker going into the basement (where they keep the horror displays) at the Fisherman’s Wharf Wax Museum in San Francisco. But poor Micki, she never had a chance. Not only did she prove she could be scared repeatedly, she’s so sweet about it. They always go for the sweet one, Micki! I loved the kitchen scare when Micki had to come back and apologize, “My gosh, I love him, but he keeps scaring me. It is so insane. But so cu-ute.” You don’t know if “him” is Jimmy or Wax Jimmy. Second to that was when she gently took Wax Jimmy’s hand outside the elevator. Micki is too pure for us.
But that last scare, when she just crumpled; I didn’t know if she was going to get back up. Gawd, I pity poor Micki. You know Jimmy’s having a second wax figure commissioned so he can torment her for as long as she stays in LA. And I feel really bad about this, but I hope Messing with Micki becomes a thing, I really do. I’ll contribute to Micki’s spa treatments for it.
Did anyone else catch the attention to lint rolling Wax Jimmy’s suit? That has to be telling of some Type A personality, right? Like, no one will notice that Wax Jimmy has Chiclets for teeth, but this bit of lint will be a dead giveaway that this isn’t the boss. I’m not banging on Jimmy; he always looks great. I’ll just vacuum before he comes for dinner. Also, check out Jimmy’s children’s book, The Serious Goose. All proceeds go the The Children’s Hospital where Jimmy’s son Billy was treated.

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