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The introduction of the Internet has led to lots of great things, as well as to not-so-great ones. After all, nowadays, anyone can become a celebrity through online promotion and necessary “hype.” Well, you may stumble on a book that you consider to be interesting, but it’s just well-promoted, and its popularity is not because of good writing. So, finding some information or analysis of the book that you fancy is one of the ways to go before making a purchase. Maybe, you need to make analytical essay about some writing, but there is no time to read it thoroughly. You go to some websites that function as Rotten Tomatoes but for books! That is why I am providing you with the best book analysis sites available that are trusty and adequate.
1. LibraryThing

Well, the first entry is known as the largest book club in the world. While it is mostly about buying and reading books, the audience of more than two million users means that it is also a great source of book analyses. You’re looking for the Hamlet essay, Catcher in the Rye essay? Well, open that website and read some reviews about these great novels. I find this sort of opportunity quite helpful as it brings ease into the life of a student.
However, it would be best if you remembered that all the reviews written for all the books featured on the website come from the readers. These are no professional opinions but those of people who love books. So, this is an excellent opportunity to get to know the responses of people who are actual readers, rather than prepaid marketers.
2. StudyDriver

Now, this one is a little different from the previous entry on my list. This particular website is different because it is a database of college student papers. It is also precious for book lovers. The reason is rather simple – a database of college student papers means that there are lots of essay service sample reviews of the books that are always included in the curriculum. That’s why is a suitable destination for people looking for book reviews. Are you into something different? Well, finding some great essay about The Crucible isn’t that hard as well.
So, this website is a great way to find Into the Wild essay or find a great book to read. Additionally, I find this database quite useful because it features the works of students and professional academic writers. That means that you get a combination of honest opinions of the actual readers, coupled with the expert analysis and writing style of the devoted individuals. Well, as it is possible to see, this is an excellent book analysis site with lots of additional features. I decided to include it because it is a combination of different opinions and professional writing.
3. GoodReads

Yup, probably the best-known website for book lovers. So, it is quite an obvious destination for someone who wants to find a book to read. Just google the title of the book, and you’re most likely to get a link leading towards GoodReads. While this is good, this is the very reason why I am usually looking for additional reviews from other sites. You see, the most popular resources always get plagued by bias and opinions plagued by some toxic factors. That’s why GoodReads, as the most popular website with book reviews, is a risky thing. However, it would be best if you didn’t discount, be critical about what you find there.
This website also features quite an exciting thing – user-generated book lists! So, you can explore the rankings of other users, and this may lead to entirely unexpected yet pleasing finds. That is a great way to uncover new genres of writing, potentially entertaining writers, and other great things about literature.
4. Bookish

Yet another new entry in the list of the best book review websites. While being positioned as an editorial blog, it can be easily used as a platform to find reviews for some of the most exciting books you can think of. The thing with this website is in the fact that some of its features include interviews with authors, posts from publishing professionals, and even author reviews.
It is worth a try because of the high-quality content posted there. What is more and even more remarkable, you can enter a couple of books that you have read, or select a list of genres, and the website will generate your personalized list of book recommendations. I find this feature to be handy because it can expand your potential to-read list exponentially, further broadening the list of genres that you might find exciting and fall in love with.
5. Bookforum

Established in 1994, it is one of the more important book review sites and magazines about everything literature. You can find lots of books on the website and pick the most interesting ones. Some of the distinguishing features of this website include tackling topics such as crime writing, the role of money in fiction, and other quite impressive stuff. I need to stress the fact that Bookforum is filled with things such as book reviews, as well as authors’ opinions on the global literature trends, critical insights, columns, bestsellers, and other stuff of pop culture.
All-in-all, Bookforum is an excellent destination if you’re looking for a review regarding some exciting book that you cannot find easily anywhere else. Narrow-focused review sites like this provide a reader with a vast pool of opinions about literature and things to read, which can often be of conflicting, provocative, and bizarre nature. Still, these sorts of things are expanding one’s worldviews beyond common knowledge.
As you can see, trying to find a great review website isn’t that hard, especially when it comes to the literature. After all, it is the most extensive compilation of humanity’s knowledge in the world, which means that books get lots of attention and reviews. So, my list begins with LibraryThing, a well-documented website with a vast audience of people who gladly post their reviews of different books. That means lots of diversity of opinions and other positive things. Then, we have StudyDriver. This website is about academic papers and features lots of reviews of the famous writers’ works that are on the curriculum. Finally, we have GoodReads. It might pop up as the first entry in your online search and is a well-known destination for book reviews. However, don’t discount other websites in favor of the most popular ones, as you can find quite exciting things during your search for a book review.
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