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How to Preserve Your Physical and Mental Health in 2020?
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In the 21st century, everything is digital and it has gone so deep into our lives that it has disrupted us from reality. For instance, being active on social media and using our laptops like a couch potato has disrupted our physical health and it doesn’t end there because it goes on to affect our mental health as well.
The illusion of perfection created by those influencers have us wishing that we have that too and running after it we lose everything that matters.
Physical and mental health is both essential to being taken care of and each one has its importance. Here are a few ways you can take care of your physical health:
1. A wake-up and sleep time

The first and foremost is to set a specific time for these two things in your life. It is easy to stay awake the whole night with Netflix or simply browsing through social media. But do you realize that your body needs 8 hours of definite sleep and after midnight your body starts doing the cleaning process for which it is essential you let it relax? Oversleeping means that you are missing the morning sun rays which get you the vitamin D your body requires? Hence setting up these times should be your first goal.
2. Eating healthy

With late nights at the office and tiring task after which you come home going to the kitchen to cook your self is a task that most of us skip. We order in Chinese or pizza and promise ourselves that from tomorrow we will eat healthily. Unfortunately, that day never comes and at one point you simply stop thinking about it. In this cycle, you consume cholesterol and fatty acids that show their damage as soon as you turn 40. The simple thing you can do is that you make some half-cooked food and store it in the fridge on a Sunday for the whole week and then simply heat it when you come home.
3. Exercise

Early mornings and late nights at work – how can I find time for exercise? Let’s not lie to ourselves there is always a 30-min time in our routine in which we could do the exercise our body needs. The no time excuse is deceiving and harming you. The exercise will do wonders for your body and mind for extras you will also start performing well at the work a healthy person emits good vibe and trust me that is all you need to make friends with your boss. You can even work on that bulging tummy that is rushing away from all the potential girls away from you. Fitwirr can guide you on how you can do that.
4. Skincare

Now, this is one part we care the most about – not just women but also men! Instead of having a night care routine with all those fancy products that promise you no wrinkles and no dark circles. What if I told you a cheaper way? It is easy and quick? That is consuming a healthy diet and the vitamins your body requires to keep those places filled up. This is one secret that no beauty guru will ever tell you. I mean vegetable vendors won’t give them sponsorship contacts right? So ladies a healthy diet, exercise and the right rest time is your way to cheap and guaranteed skincare.
5. Walking

Taking a walk in the fresh air for 30 minutes every day can be helpful to way to combat depression all you have to do is let go of your body, also you can add some good music to the mix. If you have anxiety you can do the same but with this therapist say that you should slowly build up your pace, this will help you feel in control.
6. Dancing

This form of exercise can work for every person differently. For some, it is letting go of their body and release all pent up tension. While for others it is a distraction and keeping their mind off things that distract them.
7. Smiling

It sounds so absurd, right? But smiling in a time when your heart is pain can help reduce the pain of the heart. So next time a guy or some news breaks your heart deal with it by trying to do the hardest thing you can do at that time – smiling
8. Intensive exercises

These are only recommended for those who have panic or anxiety attacks. This will help them control their impulses and nerves. People who do this say “ this helps me switch off the little voice in my head off and concentrate all my energy on this until I am calm enough to think about a solution of the situation.
9. Gardening

This activity is not for everyone but for those who like to relax for some time and have the nurturing skills. Gardening has calming effects on a person. Due to the good vibes, they radiate off.
Hopefully, you will find these tips and suggestions useful – there’s a bit for everyone. Make sure you try each of those and see which of them you find appealing. If none of the suggestions are attractive, we are sure you can think of something by yourself.
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