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How Did Khloe Kardashian Lose Her Baby Weight?
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Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian talked about losing weight, and Khloe shared some insight into how she managed to lose 60 pounds after giving birth to her baby girl, True.
Kourtney and Khloe talked live on Poosh livestream, and Khloe shared, “After I had True I lost 50 pounds or almost 60 pounds, but I, of course, dieted after that. If you’re trying to lose a significant amount of weight, yes, diet and exercise, they go hand-in-hand. Now that I’m in my weight vicinity goal — I’m around 150, if it goes up a little, when it goes into the high 140s forties, I’m I’m like, ‘Woo!,” it’s a dream -— when I’m in this world I don’t really watch what I eat.”

The reality star further talked about the food she is eating, “That doesn’t mean I sit here binge eating bags of chips all day. We have good diets, but I love quesadillas. I love anything True’s eating. I’m not going to live a miserable life. What if, just what if. You never know if tomorrow’s happening. I would rather put more effort into the gym than the kitchen. ‘’
She continued, “Like the Starbucks that’s like a 600-calorie drink, I’m like, why? I would rather have a great piece of cake. I’ll have my Snapple iced teas from time to time, but I’m a water drinker.”
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