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Top 6 Beauty Treatments to Get Summer-Ready
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At long last, the summer season of 2020 is almost upon us! In a few days, summer is officially going to arrive, which means we all must prepare accordingly. In order to get that summer glow ready, women tend to go through multiple different treatments with only one goal in mind: to look the best they can during the next several months.
Since summer comes with hot weather, people want to show more skin and feel comfortable in less clothes. This means more of “you” will be visible wherever you go, especially at the beach when you strip down to your new bikini. In order for everything to look as you want it to, you must prepare and ready your body for the summer.
In this article, we will go over the best and most popular beauty treatments you should try before summer gets here. Best of all, you can do most, if not all of them in the comfort of your home! By the end of the article, you will have all the knowledge necessary for the perfect summer body.
1. Exfoliating
When looking good in summer is in question, it all starts with the skin. For it to be gentle, feel softer, and look brighter, you have to exfoliate regularly. This fan-favorite practice will remove dead skin from your body, which can dull your skin complexion and even make you look slightly older.
To exfoliate properly, you need the right tools for the job. The best thing you can do is invest in an exfoliating scrub with natural ingredients. Top-tier scrubs can be expensive, but their ingredients are just the thing your skin needs to rejuvenate. To give it a fresh look and a soft feel, and avoid harmful parabens in the process, do some research and purchase the right scrub for your skin type. If you love DIY, there are dozens of recipes online for nifty homemade scrubs. Most are made with ground coffee, sugar, and essential oils.
To apply the exfoliating scrub correctly, use circular motions over your face and body. Do it twice a week, throughout summer, to keep the skin in tip-top shape. Exfoliating is also beneficial for preventing sunscreen from clogging your pores.
2. Moisturizing
Moisturizing and exfoliating go together like bread and butter. Through the effects of exfoliating, as a sort of bonus, your skin is more receptive to moisturizers. This is extremely good in summer since the skin requires much more hydration.
Various moisturizing creams, lotions, and other products exist for all sorts of skin types, so scour the market for the right one for you. Both exfoliating and moisturizing can also help against the sun, of which there will be more words in a bit. Moisturizing the skin gives it natural softness, and makes your tan last longer too!
3. Hair Removal
In the modern world of technology, razor burns are a thing of the past. Nobody uses old-fashioned razors anymore since there are much better and more convenient ways of doing it. The best way to keep your body free of unwanted hairs is laser hair removal. Over the last 12 months, kits for home laser hair removal have gained a lot of prominence and people have been buying them left and right.
More and more women opt to buy it and do the hair removal themselves. Salons are still popular, but if you can do it on your own, you will save a fortune.
4. Protect from the Sun
We cannot stress this enough: protect yourself from the sun if you do not wish your skin to age prematurely. Most people enjoy having a summer tan, but if you fail to protect your skin appropriately, the sun will actually damage your skin beyond repair. Sunburns are not pleasant and they can ruin your whole vacation. This is enough reason for you to invest in a quality sun-cream with a moderate to high SPF. Besides these products, it is always smart to cover up on your way to the beach, as well as the way back. Summer straw hats, shawls, and various beach covers will do the trick.
If your skin is especially prone to sunburns despite your best efforts, try spending more time in the shade. If this is not an option, cooling and soothing gels can help you. Apply them during and after your exposure to the sun. They will help with inflamed and irritated skin and heal it faster. Aloe Vera products are the absolute best here, as they will also help with moisturizing.
5. Spray Tans
Since we have just advised you to stay away from the sun, you might ask yourself how can you then get that perfect summer tan. If you want to have flawless skin and a tan this summer season, your best bet are spray tans. Similar to hair removal, you can either regularly go to salons, or do this in the comfort of your home.
To do it yourself, you will need the right product and a special glove with which you apply it. Sprays and creams are equally good, so feel free to choose what you like most. If you opt for salon treatments, you will probably have to pay more. Spray tans have enjoyed a renaissance over the last few years, as their formulas changed, making them better, safer, and long lasting.
6. Pedicure and Manicure
Getting your nails done is one of the best and most popular ways to both look and feel better and more beautiful. Nail care has a long tradition, and for a good reason. It is important to take care of your nails, and you cannot really wear sandals and other open footwear if you have a problem with your toenails.
Besides, nails are a true fashion statement nowadays. Women pair the colors of their nail polish with other details of their outfits, so do not be afraid to experiment. Red and white nails will never go out of fashion, but other colors and styles appear all the time, many of which are quite appealing.
For pedicure and manicure, it is often better to leave it to the professionals at your favorite salon. It is smart to book a treatment first, and then try to maintain the nails yourself with proper care and hygiene. If you do not have enough time or the right tools, you can always book another treatment. A smart thing to do is to apply feet lotion or mask before bed, and put on light cotton socks overnight. This will help the skin of your feet and make it softer and shinier.
If you combine these treatments this summer season, and maintain it regularly, you will be more than satisfied with yourself. Your summer body will be ready in no time and you will steal the show at every beach party during the day, and every cocktail party at night!
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