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Change Your Career Path With These 7 Effective Steps
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When fresh out of high school or college, many of us take the first opportunity to make a paycheck. The independence our first career gives us can be exhilarating. After a few years, though, some of us begin to wonder if this is the life we want.
It is not uncommon for people to change their minds about their first career decision. Don’t waste time sticking it out. Many have spent years thinking it will all work out, but it rarely does. If your spirit is telling you it is time to move on, then do it. Moving on may mean a complete career change or only a change of roles in your current job.
Why do people decide to change their career path?
After so many years of gaining knowledge and experience, at first thought, it seems very strange that someone wants to change a job in which he has invested so much effort. Many people try to get a certain job, but once they succeed, they lose motivation for many reasons. Motivation can be lost for no apparent reason, as happens in love relationships, but there is usually a reason. According to various studies, several reasons are imposed as the most common reason why someone decides to change their career. Too much stress is often the primary reason. When a person is constantly exposed to stress, no amount of money can make up for it. If someone concludes that a job is stressful in its nature, like work on the stock market and that stress is an integral part of it, then it is time to change, if he cannot cope with it long term. Also, many choose to change out of a desire for flexibility. Freelancing is becoming more and more popular, so people want to organize their time and jobs on their own. Then the desire for a higher salary is one of the clear reasons. If you can make incomparably more money with another vocation than with the current one, then that is a big motive. Also the possibility of advancement and the option to work abroad motivate many people.
Benefits of a Career Change
Whether changing positions or an entire career, there are benefits to making this decision. If you are contemplating a change, then you are probably unhappy.
Changing careers can:
- Be more fulfilling
- Be less stressful
- Offer better pay
- Have a better work-life balance
- Be challenging
- Create Passion
Not all of these will benefit everyone, but each person will benefit from at least one or more on the list. As an example, not everyone will want a more challenging career while others are craving a challenge. Better pay on the surface can be tempting, but many have learned it is more important to have less stress than money. Either way, most are seeking one or a combination of these in their life.
Let’s take a look at the 7 effective ways to change your career path
1. Decide what type of change you need. Stay in your current job in a different role? Leave the job field you are in and do something completely different? This could be the choice you will make. Only you can decide in the end.
2. Decide what you love to do. So, you’re not happy. What would it take to change your mind? You can jump straight into something without giving it much thought or take the time to find what you love to do. This isn’t a complicated question to ask. What would you do with your time if money was not an issue? If you can’t decide between two or three dream careers, there are things to try. Maybe use meditation to clear your mind. A visit to a psychic can help pin down what path is the best. If you know what you want and can’t quite pull the trigger, seek a career coach’s advice. All of these can give you a sense of well-being and help you choose.
3. Assess your skills. Once you have discovered what it is you want to do, it is time to take stock. Do you have the skills necessary to do what you love? Do you want to do web design like Bizmap LLC? If you do, move forward. If not, find a way to gain the skills you need.
4. Research your new industry or position. To know what skills you truly need, research everything you can find about what you want to do. This is sure to provide you with examples of people just like you, who had to reinvent themselves. Use their experience to help make yours more manageable.
5. Find the educational resources you need to gain the skills required. This may mean going back to school, or it can be studying a craft on your own. Whatever it is, seek out the medium that gives you experience in the field you want. You don’t have to become an expert. You only need enough skills to get your foot in the door.
6. Find opportunities. Once you have gained the knowledge and skills you need, start looking for opportunities. Some people will only stick to job boards. Be different. Be creative. Use every means necessary to get your foot in the door of your dream career. Cold call on a company you want to work for. Ask to volunteer in your free time to help gain exposure. Don’t be afraid to try new ways, just because it’s not normal for most people.
7. Make companies or clients need you. Become a consummate professional. Make sure your resume stands out. Instead of using a selfie, have a professional photographer take a headshot for your Linkedin profile. Whatever you can come up with to impress potential deciders for your next career, needs to be better than anyone else.
Brainstorm and work on ideas until you perfect them. There will only be one person chosen for a position. Make sure the person who is hiring thinks they cannot let get away from them.
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