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6 Causes of Hair Loss and How to Treat It
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Each hair has its lifespan and suffers from three phases – growth, resisting, and falling. And as soon as it falls away, its place is given to a new one, which begins to grow. Hair falls out every day and is generated in both men and women. Experts say that it is normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day. However, if the number is much higher, it is time to seek professional help.
Hair loss (alopecia) is a disease that neither men nor women are spared. Although most people think that men suffer from hair loss more often, research has shown that as many as 30% of women have this problem. Hair loss in women occurs in older age compared to men, although this is not the rule. People, especially women, often see this as an aesthetic problem, and it is very often related to the health of the organism. Several factors affect the appearance of alopecia, and only some of them are hormonal problems, consumption of certain medications, stress, hereditary factors, and the negative impact of the environment. With alopecia, it is important to note that it is not reflected in the same way in men and women. While men first lose hair on the flaps and scalp, in women hair loss is first noticed on the parting and then on the scalp.
Causes of Hair Loss
To approach the treatment of this problem, we first need to recognize the reason for its occurrence. Among the many causes, we have singled out some:
1. Thyroid problems

A thyroid problem is something that both men and women deal with, although it affects women more. This small gland, which is located in the front of the neck is responsible for releasing various hormones into the blood. Its improper operation very often results in hair loss.
2. Medications

We all already know that medications cure one thing, and very often they have side effects that can manifest themselves through hair loss, stomach diseases, insomnia, vomiting, nausea … That is why it is important to read the instructions before use and to be aware of the possible consequences.
3. Chemotherapy

It is clear to all of us that people who are struggling with one of the most invasive diseases of the present – cancer, lose their hair during the duration of chemotherapy. Still, the good news is that this is a temporary condition and will grow again.
4. Vitamin and mineral deficiency

When our body lacks the mineral and vitamin, the first indicators of this are the skin and hair. Still, the good news is that this can change, by choosing healthy living habits.
5. Stress

People deal with stress in different ways. Physical and mental stress has a great impact on the human body and the whole organism, including this problem.
6. Tight hair tie

Women like to have a neat hairstyle. However, they should know that squeezing the hair into a tight tail leads to a fall. The more often we pinch, twist, and touch our hair, the greater the chances of being left without it. Many women are also prone to frequent changes in hairstyle or hair color. Treating your hair with various chemicals will only temporarily make your hair shiny and healthy. Also, exposure to high temperatures – straightening and twisting hair will contribute to its damage and loss.
How to Treat Hair Loss?
The first and most important thing to do if you notice increased hair loss is to visit a professional – a dermatologist. He will examine what type of alopecia it is and which method of treatment would be appropriate.
PRP therapy

This treatment is performed by injecting the patient’s processed blood into the scalp. The treatment has proven to be very effective, but 4-6 visits are needed every 4-6 months so it is not exactly the best solution for the impatient. However, this treatment brings with it some side effects such as nerve and blood vessel injuries, and infections are common.
Hair transplantation

There are several techniques and methods of hair transplantation, and many people are interested in whether performing the transplant alone is painful. The answer is – no. Best of all, the result is immediately visible. However, it is important to find an expert who will accurately assess how much hair needs to be transplanted and in which places. If you visit www.estepera.com, you will find out everything you want to know about this topic.
Strengthen your hair

For hair to be healthy and strong, we must take care of it in the right way. In addition to regular washing and applying hair masks, daily water intake is also important. 1.5-2 liters per day is recommended. Another thing that every person should do for themselves is to take into account the vitamins that are necessary for healthy hair growth, and those are biotin and B vitamins. In addition to strengthening your hair, your nails will be grateful.
Another thing you can do for your hair is to use some natural preparations that will probably not prevent but will at least slowdown hair loss. Nettle shampoo, jojoba oil, and egg mask are just some of the natural preparations that will contribute to the health of your hair. Of course, there is also castor oil which is known to stimulate hair growth.
Reduce stress

We have already mentioned stress as one of the factors that lead to many health problems, including hair loss. That is why it is important to relax and thus contribute to our health.
Treatment with tablets

Another way to try to deal with this problem is to prescribe certain pills. However, it is important to know that they give results only in 30-40% of cases. It is important to mention the many side effects that go with the use of these drugs, and only some of them are the development of dermatitis and increased facial hair.
Hair loss leads to a drop in self-esteem, and this is exactly why some people fall into depression. That is why it is important to work on ourselves every day to be happier. And if we are happy – it means that we are healthy, too!
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