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9 Key Secrets of Successful Immigrants
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It is not magic. You can make it too! Immigrating to a new country is a huge undertaking, even in a cultural context where immigrants are welcome. You uproot your whole life and build a new home in a place that has different values and probably even a new language than you are used to.
The more understanding you get of this transition, the easier the process will be and the smoother. Learning from the experience of successful immigrants is the key knowledge you need on your immigration. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to find out about those experiences. But you needn’t worry. Below are the secrets which distinguished successful immigrants from those that were unsuccessful:
1. Adapting with the environment and people
Fully understanding your host community’s history, politics and current affairs helps you to feel more dedicated to it. It also assists you to get more socially involved because when people realize they have common interests, they bond.
For example, it is difficult to succeed in business in that country when you don’t learn the culture. Even before you start making and selling a product, it is important to understand things like your customers’ wants and needs.
By participating in community activities, courses, and charity groups you can establish networks and build relationships.
2. Having a Plan B
Everyone has skills and experience. You may be planning to immigrate with the aims and hopes of working in a field similar to what you did. To make sure you’re successful you need a Plan B and, as some of the successful immigrants said, a Plan C, D, and E.
Maybe you might have another passion–it might be in a different career path or a second or third choice related to what you were originally chosen to do. Bottom line is – be open to the idea of taking on another venture.
3. Obeying laws
That is probably the most essential of all successful immigrant’s secrets. To fulfill your mission obey all the laws of the land. Learn all the demands of your immigration visa, work permit, or green card requirements and abide by all laws and regulations with great caution.
The slightest violation can cause your deportation, cancel your immigration visa, or even restrict you from the country permanently. Visit the country’s website to learn more about the laws of different immigration visas, and more.
4. Taking advice
One of the secrets of your immigration excellence is to ask for advice from qualified immigration experts. If you’d like to launch a country business, you can get some training or seek advice from people who have spent years in their own business as well.
5. Volunteering, mentoring, and networking
In any country, the best way to find a job and succeed is to become involved in the community, volunteering with various professional organizations, charity organizations, and causes that are relevant to you. It may also count in your favour whenever your status is being reviewed, as you would have shown yourself useful and productive. This will develop your network and your relationships/friendships to help you ensure successful immigration.
6. Get out of Cultural Silos
Many immigrants prefer to relocate to geographical locations where they are with individuals of their own ethnic origin and who speak the same language as them. That enables them to live the life they had back home. That will not help you get incorporated into the country, it is actually counter-productive and can discourage you. Your personal development comes from getting away from your comfort zone. Research indicates that people living in these silos are earning a lower than average income. Don’t concentrate on one particular group, mingle. The more you adapt and ‘flow’ with the diverse population, the better your integration.
7. Stay Positive
Things are often bumpy at first. Some refugees go through this scenario: immigrants arrive and start sending out resumes; don’t get the job; sit and moan with mates. Soon enough the downward spiral of negativity begins and before they know it, and cripples their chances of succeeding. If you don’t think you are going to be successful. You can not. And the negativity problem is it seeps through every pore. And nobody really wants a negative person around, whether while trying to make friends or going for an interview. You’ll be faced with difficult circumstances and obstacles. It’s important to remain
optimistic, focused, and keep smiling.
8. Keeping copies of identity Documents
It’s wise to keep a photocopy of your passport, visa approvals, driver’s license, permanent residence, and/or naturalization papers on your person at all times. The original documents should be kept in a fire-resistant lockbox at a bank or in a safe deposit box. Having a copy of those papers will make it much easier to restore the original documents.
9. Understanding your status
One last important thing to consider is that you need to understand what status you are in and what the conditions of that status are at any time. This is accurate whether you are in front of an immigration court or have never had any problems with your legal status whatsoever.
In some situations, certain very minor things could even eventually destroy your status.
For example, if you are on a student visa and you work more than you are authorized to work or you have unlicensed off-campus employment, or even if you leave a few classes and drop below the class schedule requirement, you may be in breach of your status and you may be arranged in deportation proceedings.
Learning from others’ experiences is the best way to enjoy your living in any country. The tips above are from people who have experienced. It may not be easy, you may have to face some challenges, but by considering the above secrets of successful immigrants, you are preparing yourselves for better opportunities you can ever imagine.
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