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6 Tips for Creating a Home Where the Living is Easy
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A lot of wrong things are happening outside as a result of the global pandemic and the rest of the disasters affecting the planet on a daily basis. That’s why you have to make your home a peaceful corner to which you’ll always return when you need a shelter from reality, or simply a long rest under a plush blanket with a big cup of coffee or tea. Your living space should be designed in such a way so that everything seems easy and enjoyable.
This can have a different meaning for each person – but regardless of whether we’re employed or not, whether our children are still babies or teenagers, whether we live in the countryside or the city… each of us can afford the small steps that can make our life nicer and more cosy. A beautiful and practical environment improves mood and personal satisfaction. Besides that, everyone who comes will feel comfortable and will want the same living room or yard.
In our article, you’ll find some tips that can give you a great idea on how to make your home more pleasant and practical for your family members, yourself and your guests.
- 1. Make a corner for yourself
- 2. Prevent constant clutter with a few extra pieces of furniture
- 3. Grow plants
- 4. Make it easier to enter the room and adjust the arrangement of furniture to yourself
- 5. Avoid sharp corners and straight lines
- 6. Buy the cosiest sofa you can find – and don’t forget pleasant smells in the air
1. Make a corner for yourself

Every person in some part of the day or week needs to be alone and dedicate themselves to their activities and interests. As long as you try to have some ‘me time’ in the living room, where the children are running and screaming, and the husband is asking you to iron his shirt or find his socks, you won’t be able to rest. Therefore, in order to withstand the pressure of all daily obligations more easily, you have to reserve space in your house just for yourself, where you can paint your nails, read a book or drink coffee in peace.
In your bedroom or some other smaller room, separate the corner in which you will put an armchair or a house swing with a lamp next to it. Complete the atmosphere with a soft blanket and pillow, a bookshelf, and a small table on which your favorite candies or cookies will await you after a long, tiring day.
2. Prevent constant clutter with a few extra pieces of furniture

Every housewife knows that it’s possible to feel true peace only when you sit on the couch in the afternoon to watch your favorite show and realize that the home is tidy and clean. No one can perform their daily activities with a constant mess everywhere around, and scenes like these can be rather frustrating. Of course, if you’re a parent, no one can require a complete tidiness from you, but even in that case, it would be good to try to keep everything as neat as possible – even though you’ll probably find a couple of toys under the bed in about five minutes.
Too much stuff that we plan to keep in the house can be the main cause of such situations. However, you can prevent this by inserting more shelves and hidden storage boxes or drawers where you can store all those things when designing your interior. That way, they won’t constantly come into your view and bother you, but everything will look as clean as a new pin.
3. Grow plants

Nothing enriches the living space like a few pots with some greenery and lovely indoor blooming flowers. Decorating the space with these is quite undemanding during the spring and summer months when everything flourishes. You only need to set aside a little time during the day for watering, branch trimming or dry leaves removing.
In case you live in a house with a large yard, you could make a gorgeous garden and plant fruits and vegetables in addition to flowers. After several months nature will give you some amazing, 100% organic products, which will give you a feeling of pride and personal satisfaction.
Your garden can be your oasis, where you can relax, and growing can turn into a great hobby that you’ll enjoy more than anything. Set up a table and a few garden chairs and turn them into a special corner where you’ll host your friends.
4. Make it easier to enter the room and adjust the arrangement of furniture to yourself

It isn’t pleasant to stumble on the way from the door to the bed. While you migh
not mind moving a little stool or coffee table to the side to get to the armchair, trust us – your guests won’t be so thrilled. In fact, you don’t feel comfortable like that either – the truth is that you’re just used to the chaotic furniture arrangement.
This point is especially significant for those who live in tiny apartments where there isn’t enough space for plenty of pieces of furniture. We understand that you need cosy seats and six chairs for the dining table, but you mustn’t allow that to make your home cramped and claustrophobic-friendly.
Try to reduce the number of extra armchairs, stools, or floor cushions that everyone will stumble over. Clear the area around the front door and try to remove all of your child’s toys from the floor. You really don’t want anyone to step on them! Also, there are a lot of compelling architectural solutions on how to use the space you have wisely, without making everything look like a pile of cluttered furniture – so maybe try to consult your trusted architect.
5. Avoid sharp corners and straight lines

We can all be clumsy sometimes. You hurry up to remove the pot of boiling water from the stove or answer the phone and oops! You didn’t even take a proper step, but you’ve already hit the sharp edge of the table. Situations like this can be painful and annoying, so make sure that the furniture you buy has rounded edges that won’t stick straight into your leg when you stumble.
Strictly straight lines in a modernly designed interior might sometimes be boring and unattractive. If you want to live in an attractively arranged space, let your imagination run wild – play with shapes and make your rooms even more chic and warm. An unusually shaped rug or an interesting print on the curtains can be an ideal choice.
6. Buy the cosiest sofa you can find – and don’t forget pleasant smells in the air

Comfort should come first. First of all, because what you sit and rest on is fundamental for your health – and providing enough softness is the only way you’ll be able to relax and feel snuggly. When designing or purchasing a sofa, choose a soft fabric that your body and face will adore.
The fresh and fragrant air additionally influences the pleasant atmosphere that you must maintain in your home. Unpleasant odors are unacceptable and will probably scatter all your guests. It wouldn’t hurt to get an air purifier that will refresh your rooms. According to the article that can be found on StuffedAbode, you should choose a product of contemporary technology that’ll remove allergens that surround us on a daily basis.
Once you have arranged your house in such a way that it represents everything you’ve ever wanted from a place called home, including a satisfying level of ease of living, you’ll find it easier to bear regular daily tasks and routines. You’ll always be able to return to your oasis where you’ll find a couple of moments dedicated only to yourself and hide from burdensome and exhausting stuff during the day.
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