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Omarosa: Melania Trump is sometimes ‘repulsed’ by her husband
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I don’t want to jinx anything, but I sincerely hope these are the final days of so-called “Trump insiders” writing books. If we get these ghastly people out of the White House, I truly hope that no publishing house offers any money or contract to any of these a–holes for their “memoirs.” I doubt my wish will come true though. Considering the cottage book industry which has sprung up around the Trumps, my guess is that they’ll all be writing books. In the meantime, Omarosa Manigault Newman is promoting her book, Unhinged, overseas. She said words about the Trumps’ marriage.
A former political aide to President Donald Trump has said his wife Melania is sometimes ‘repulsed’ by her husband. Omarosa Manigault Newman, 46, met the President in 2004 after appearing on The Apprentice, and in January 2017 became Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison.
She has since written a tell-all book, Unhinged, providing an insider’s of the Trump White House, which she claims the President and his legal team has tried to stop being published. Appearing on Lorraine today, she said what she has observed in the 17 years she’s known the couple would ‘make your head spin’ – and that Melania, 50, and her husband have a ‘very strange’ marriage where they ‘sometimes like each other’.
‘It’s a very strange marriage,’ said Omarosa. ‘I’m very cautious to comment on the dynamics of a marriage because you never know what goes on behind closed doors. But I have known this couple since they were dating, they got married a year after The Apprentice aired. What I have observed in the last 17 years would make your head spin. Sometimes they like each other but sometimes she is repulsed by him.’
Omarosa claimed that the First Lady’s feelings for her husband were made clear last week when she appeared to pull her hand away from her husband after the final presidential debate.
In the early days of this hellscape, I’ll admit to toying with the idea that Melania was somehow trapped and that she had and has no authority or power in her marriage, or that she’s possibly a victim of her husband too. But f–k that. I’m sure Melania IS repulsed by him. We all are. But she made her bed. She’s just as racist, deplorable and nasty as him. It actually brings me joy to think of Melania gagging at the thought of sharing a bed with him or spending any time with him. And yes, I do believe she’s out of this marriage once he (hopefully) loses.

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