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4 Things to Know About Online vs. In-Store Shopping – 2020 Comparison Guide
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Without a doubt, shopping is a hobby for many people. It wouldn’t be a mistake to say that mainly women are interested in this activity. Furthermore, we can see that this is used for relaxation most of the time, not for actual needs. However, it should be said that shopping doesn’t need to be limited only to things like clothes or technology.
We can see that there is a whole new category that revolves around food and home supplies. It can’t be said that this was popular a couple of decades ago. In fact, this is something that became widely popular in the last two decades. For example, upgrading your clothes every couple of weeks became a standard for many people.
But it should be said that many people are interested in shopping online much more than they are interested in visiting every particular store on their way off work or to work. It should be said that it preserves more time. However, it should be said that the vast majority of people prefer real-life shopping due to them being able to actually see the product they are interested in.
If you are interested in taking a look at some of the online shops when you take a look at a wide array of different products, be sure to take a look at Consumer. Since there are people who prefer different kinds of shopping, we would like to talk about what you should know about each of these kinds of shopping. Without further ado, let us begin.
1. More Money is Spent Online

The first thing that we would like to talk about is that much more money is spent online than in stores. The reason is that people get much more careless when they don’t actually see money going directly out of their pockets. Instead, money goes from their credit cards or any other payment services like PayPal. At the same time, we feel it’s important to say that there isn’t almost any kind of differences between men and women when it comes to the amount of money spent on shopping.
But, when we are talking about online shopping, we can see that men’s average money spent is somewhat higher than women. For example, women spent $150 on average, and men spend more than $200. So, men should let our girlfriends, wives, or sisters do this kind of shopping instead of us. That way they could save some money.
2. Generations and Their Preferences

People who are not so invested in this topic would presume that millennials and baby boomers are two generations who make the biggest chunk of online shopping. But it should be said that this is not the truth. Instead, we can see that Generation X is the one that makes the biggest chunk of people who spend their money online. Baby boomers are just behind them.
The reason many people would guess that millennials are one that is the most interested in online shopping is that they have the greatest knowledge about buying online. However, we can see that Generation X is in the first spot due to their monthly incomes.
Different from many people’s opinions, we can see that Millennials are the ones that visit stores more than any other generation. One of the reasons is that this generation has a tendency to talk about different brands or products much more than any other generation. This is why they have more tendencies to visit real stores and actually see the product they are interested in buying.
After them, we can see that baby boomers are really interested in visiting stores, due to their old habits, which were established before the time of the internet. Furthermore, they are more interested in having conversations with the store’s staff than any other generation.
3. In-store Shopping Provide Personalized Experience

It goes without saying that if a person looks for a somewhat more personalized experience, needs to visit a store in person. That way, any person would have the opportunity to have a conversation about every product they are interested in with the store’s staff. When talking about online shopping, we can see that every buyer is just a person who visits a website and, therefore, it receives no personalized experience.
In case you are interested in buying something that requires a lot of information and knowledge, like some high-quality camera, or a really powerful laptop, you can be sure that visiting a store and checking these performances personally is the best way to go. At the same time, you can have a quality conversation with the people who work in the store and see if they have some offers that can help you to save some money in your pocket.
4. Online Buys Can be Delayed

There are some situations where you can expect the orders you’ve made online can be delayed. Without a doubt, this can require you to invest a bit of money into it if you want it to arrive sooner than later. The same foes with possible returns, in case you are not satisfied with the product you’ve received. There is a chance of your package being lost due to all the packages that are delivered to your city.
These mistakes can cost you a significant amount of money, you can be sure of that. The prices can be even greater if we are talking about a package you are receiving from a foreign country. Just think about you getting a package from Europe, and you are not satisfied with the product, and you would like to return it, and receive another one. This can be a nightmare, as you can presume.
In Conclusion
Shopping can be an activity that can provide you with some relaxation. But, it can turn into something that you cannot stand, to be perfectly honest. This is why it’s important to know all the particularities about each type of shopping. Therefore, we’ve provided you with the most important things you need to know about online and in-store shopping.
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