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2021 Edition: 7 New Trends in Career Services
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The year 2020 has been anything but predictable for the job market. Almost every industry has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic on some level.
Most importantly, the pandemic brought on a digital revolution across many industries, including career resources and recruitment. As we look ahead to 2021, the dramatic changes brought on by the last year are much likely to stay.
In this article, we analyze the current market trends to get a sense of what kind of job hiring plans the recruiters have for 2021.
1. Hiring Trends Will Change
Historically, hiring soars at the beginning of the year and slows down in the summer, before increasing again in fall. However, 2021 might see a different pattern.
Even the industries that haven’t been significantly affected by the pandemic are likely to delay their hiring plans. The best to battle this is to follow the career trends and stay prepared for a sudden comeback.
This downward trend in hiring might also be the perfect opportunity to reach out to your contacts. When the time comes, this will help to leverage their support.

2. Remote Work Might Be the New Normal
For those who are continuing at their job, it is unlikely that the remote working situation will change anytime soon. Though initiated as a temporary solution, it seems like the continuation of the pandemic has shed more light on the many benefits of remote working.
However, when 74% of employers think they are offering sufficient support and training to those working from home, only 38% of employees agree with that. In addition, there is a large group of people that prefer the social setting of a workplace -environment rather than carrying out their jobs from home.
Unfortunately, returning to full-fledged office work seems like a scenario possible only after the majority of the workforce gets vaccinated.

3. Changing Careers
Layoffs and slow recruitment has led to many unemployed people considering a career change. With several industries troubled, it is becoming challenging to limit the job search only to the respective fields.
It might be a good time to pick up new skills and invest in your career. If you are unemployed, take advantage of the extra time in your hands to learn a new trade or acquire online certifications. This will help to reinforce your resume as accomplishments and a means to show you were improving and growing while looking for jobs.

4. Temporary and Freelance Work will Escalate
The uncertainty has forced many professionals to consider other means of employment. On the other hand, companies might rely more on temporary or contract workers rather than hiring new employees. This means that there might be more jobs listed under the temporary, online jobs or freelancing categories.
Temporary work, indeed, comes with its ups and downs. While it does not guarantee a full-time job or other benefits, there is always a chance that it could lead to a permanent position. Moreover, freelancing is a great way to upgrade your skill set, build qualifications, or break into a new industry.

5. Networking Can Happen Anywhere'
Networking continues to play a significant role in career services and professional development. At the beginning of the pandemic, in-person networking almost came to a halt. However, it wasn’t long before events ventured onto the online space through video calls and emails.
In effect, networking is efficient regardless of what means you use to communicate. As we step onto the next year, this trend will have its long term impact on networking. From holding events, networking will move considerably to social media such as LinkedIn.
Though these platforms already had their place before, now they will take a front seat in the networking endeavors. It is thus crucial that job seekers build a digital presence that showcases their key skills. You never know when your profile would catch a recruiter’s attention.

6. Recruiting Will Be More Automated
We already saw a tremendous change in hiring strategies. The process went completely online, with all in-person contact replaced with online communication. In 2021, hiring managers will rely more on resume scanning software to manage the influx of applications.
This essentially means more ATS bots, making it crucial that you create a bot-beating resume to even get through the first round. More and more companies are looking into employing AI to review applications and eliminate unfit applicants. In the near future, we might even see bots screening interviews and covering letters. For candidates, this means tailoring your job applications for each and every job.

7. More Competitive Job Market
Unfortunately, all these trends point to one thing – that there will be more competition in almost every sector. With the unemployment rate and remote work on the rise, the talent pool is now saturated with job seekers. This will make it more challenging for you to stand out and make an impression on the hiring manager.
In effect, if you find yourself looking for jobs, be sure to have sufficient patience in stock. Expect the search to take 6 to 12 months before you successfully land a job.
The more you adapt to the current market, the better you will be able to get a hold of it. This means polishing your current resume, upskilling, and thinking about creative ways to distinguish yourself from the crowd. Be ready with the best strategies for answering interview questions and salary negotiations.

Above all, in the future, you have to prioritize self-care. The chances are, more people will suffer from challenges of job-loss, remote-working, isolation, and burnout.
Even under the best circumstances, job searching can be a demanding task. Make a conscious effort to set time aside to focus on your mental health. While at it, stay on top of the career market, and ensure that you adjust your skills and approaches accordingly.
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