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6 Tips To Enhance Your Liposuction Recovery
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For many people, liposuction is the ultimate solution to get the desired figure or remove cellulite. Many women even think it’s an ideal treatment because fat deposits and cellulite can be removed without any pain or sacrifice, with one treatment. Or so they think. But how does the recovery go after liposuction? Sometimes it can be quite complicated. Therefore, here are some tips to enhance your liposuction recovery.
Liposuction: Popularity And Risks
Liposuction with breast correction and Botox are among the most sought-after aesthetic corrective procedures. Although today it has become widely popular – it was initially accompanied by many complications, even deaths. Deaths would occur due to blockage of blood vessels with released fat – which would most often cause the so-called. pulmonary embolism. General anesthesia was (and still is) another problem, as it carries certain risks with it. Thanks to the development of technology and science – deaths are almost exceptional today. Also, general anesthesia is not always necessary because today we have the trend of local and epidural anesthesia, which has significantly reduced the number of possible complications. Therefore, liposuction in the hands of experts today is an extremely safe procedure. Unfortunately, just as all procedures have their good sides, so do their bad ones. Therefore, it is very important to follow certain rules so that your recovery goes smoothly.
Recovery After Liposuction
Removal of excess adipose tissue can be done by various methods. Modern liposuction provides minimal tissue destruction. However, that cannot be completely avoided. As the fat is pumped out, the surrounding tissue is damaged, which triggers the body’s reaction. Swelling and bruising during the recovery period is a completely common thing. However, since liposuction today is a minimally invasive procedure, recovery will be quick- but it also depends on you. Recovery after liposuction is the time it takes for the body to get rid of swelling, bruising, and other consequences of the operation, as well as for your body to get its final shape. The results of the correction can be estimated in 3-6 months at the earliest – and the exact time will depend on several factors.
The Key To Great Results
Today, liposuction is one of the fastest ways to get rid of excess fat deposits and bring your figure to perfection. Many people resort to this procedure to look beautiful, but few adhere to postoperative recommendations. Plastic surgeons always remind their patients of the importance of rehabilitation after any type of plastic surgery, and liposuction is no exception. Recovery after liposuction involves a few simple rules, and although it may seem exhausting and unnecessary to many- only by following the doctor’s recommendations will you achieve extraordinary results.
1. Don’t Forget That Recovery Takes Time
Although today this is no longer an extremely invasive surgical procedure – it is still invasive enough that you need to keep in mind that you need some time to recover. Many people are eager to show the results after the surgery. However, this can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. Doctors recommend at least two weeks of rest and avoidance of standard activities. Although many find this unnecessary, you need to know that postoperative recovery is not painless – and you will still need help with some common activities such as cooking or housekeeping.
2. Light Walks Are Recommended
As with any other surgery, prolonged lying down is not good. It can cause blood clots, which can be very dangerous. Therefore, it is recommended that you get to your feet as soon as possible and start with light walks. Walking will promote better circulation and at the same time, reduce swelling and speed up your recovery. However, when we say easy walks – that’s exactly what we mean. Some patients are prone to extremes, so they push themselves far more than they should. Then another type of complication can occur due to higher body strain. So, don’t push yourself too hard either and follow the doctor’s instructions.
3. Keep The Wound From Surgery Clean
After each operation, we carry the risk of possible infection. To prevent this, we usually receive antibiotic therapy from a doctor – but we must also take care of regular dressing and cleaning of the wound so that it heals properly as soon as possible. Therefore, make sure that you take care not only of the hygiene of your entire body but also of the hygiene of the wound -environment. By changing the bandages and keeping the wound clean, you reduce the risk of infection and possible complications.
4. Take Care About Choosing Clothes You Wear After Surgery
Although you are slimmer now and want to emphasize that – avoid tight clothing for at least a while until the wound heals. In the period after the surgery, wide clothes that give you enough comfort and freedom of movement without any effort are far more suitable. Wearing compression bandages or compression garments is something your doctor will recommend. That will allow the wound to heal faster while also strengthening your abdominal wall – as the muscles have suffered stress during this intervention.
5. Avoid Too Salty And Spicy Foods
In the first week to two, it is advisable to avoid salty and spicy foods. Salt and spices retain fluid in the body, which negatively affects the speed of healing. It is also recommended that you continue to follow a healthy diet.
6. Avoid Going To The Beach Or The Solarium
Since the skin in the operated areas should be carefully protected, it is not allowed to go to the solarium or the beach. Ultraviolet rays negatively affect the formation of scar tissue and lead to hyperpigmentation.
The Bottom Line
Recovery after liposuction includes certain prohibitions, but they are only temporary. It is recommended to give up bad habits such as alcohol and cigarettes. Doctors claim it is necessary to get rid of them at least temporarily, and ideally – forever. The postoperative period can pass great and without complications if you follow the recommendations of your doctor. Then the effort will pay off, and the results will be amazing.
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