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Today, the dental market advanced as never before. We’re lucky to live at such an age when our teeth can be straightened up in various ways. Despite the advancements in this field, many people remain unaware of what options they have and what’s best for them. One of the options which are still predominant is the metal braces. They’re the traditional option and we’re going to talk precisely about them. When teeth need to be moved they’re an ideal way to do it. It beats having crooked teeth by a mile.
In most cases, the traditional braces we’re talking about here are made out of metal. They function by being attached to each of our teeth by temporary cement. Through each piece attached to each tooth, you have a wire that goes from end to end connecting all pieces. On each bracket, you’ll find an elastic part, ring-shaped, which will with the help of the wire move your teeth in the right direction. For many people, this process looks and sounds painful and too complicated to be worth the effort but that’s not the case. To make sure you understand this, you’ll now receive your definitive guide to metal braces. Keep reading and see they’re no devil’s work.
What’s Their Primary Function?
As you can probably guess is to be of help to your teeth. Metal braces are made and implemented with the sole purpose of making your teeth straight and correcting any misshape your jaw might have in this regard. If you leave your teeth unattended when a brace is needed it could lead to more severe health conditions. This is something to look after and take good care of your teeth. While health is in the first place there might be other reasons to have and seek braces. The most common one after health issues is the cosmetic one. Some people just want a perfect smile.
Putting good looks aside, health should be a priority. Teeth that are not the way they should be positional could lead to various other issues down the road. It’s like AC/DC would put it, Highway to Hell. The most common problems that are initiated by crooked teeth are various types of chewing disorders, issues with breathing, various types of infections, insomnia, pain issues, all of which combined can lead to conditions such as anxiety and depression. The two latter conditions steam from dissatisfaction from psychical appearance which can be greatly affected if your teeth aren’t in order.
This isn’t even the worst part. While mental health is important, you could find yourself in even worst situations physically. In some cases, the teeth can lead to gum disease. This is not a simple condition as it can create various other problems. When your gums start suffering you can experience issues with your blood pressure, heart, entire cardiovascular system, and in the worst case scenario it can lead to diabetes and even cancer. So, their primary function is to give you good health and a nice appearance down the road.
When You Should Get Braces?
Let’s assume one thing – you’re going to the dentist’s office regularly, right? If not, you should, and that’s a must. Only with regular dentist visits, you can find out that you need a brace before its’ too late. A skilled dentist can tell you that you need a pair, and if they’re not fully sure how to approach your situation you can get directed towards a skilled orthodontist who can recommend different treatments depending on your state.
Is The Process Long?
In essence, it is not. Of course, it all depends on your condition but this is not a process that lasts too long. In most cases, it is only a matter of hours. Now, we’re talking about the installation process. If you count the entire ordeal it can last a bit longer. First, you need to see a dentist to assess your condition. Once you’re settled on braces it will still take some time to see what you want and what’s the best option for you. Don’t worry, there are no more affordable options as we saw on The Simpsons. Joking aside, while the installation might only take up to a couple of hours, you’ll need to wear them for a prolonged period. In addition, you’ll also need to attend regular checkups, as it’s the only way they will give you the best results. Wearing braces without a supervisor serves no purpose.
When Will The Results Come?
This is not easy to determine. It depends on the patient and his initial condition. Not all of us are the Nothing Breaks Like a Heart singer, Miley Cyrus, and can sport a brace without even thinking about it. For all of us, the length that it takes to see the results may be wary depending on the misalignment of the teeth and how you choose to take care of the issues. In most cases, if your teeth are in a place where' they need a brace you’ll be wearing one for about 18 months and in some cases even longer than two years.
Is It Painful?
Many things in this life are painful. Seeing Bengals lose the Super Bowl LVI was painful. But, putting braces on is not one of those things. No, putting braces on your teeth doesn’t hurt. Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. While there’s no pain involved during the installation, and you won’t experience regular pain, we must say that there will be discomfort. All of a sudden your entire mouth, jaw, and gums will be under pressure. Also, you’ll be experiencing irritation in the first few weeks of wearing braces due to the presence of a foreign body inside your mouth. Luckily for you, there are various treatments to ease the irritation and relieve the pain.
Bottom Line
If you think that you or a loved one of your needs braces take them to a dentist. A professional will know when they’re needed, and a word from a professional is all you need to hear to take action. Don’t hesitate, make an appointment!
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