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3 Wound Healing Supplements and Why They are the Best
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The dietary supplements market keeps growing and attracting more and more consumers. While dietary supplements can indeed be great in order to improve health, accelerate wound healing, and achieve many other desirable results, the truth is that consumers need to be very careful. The main reason for this is that dietary supplements are not FDA regulated, which means that you cannot know for sure whether a company offers products that are safe and effective or not. We suggest that you always critically consider each individual supplement and use only those dietary supplements offered by eminent and reliable companies. Below we share with you a few wound healing supplements and the reasons why they are the best.
What things should you pay attention to when choosing wound healing supplements?

In order to find the best wound healing supplement and ensure that it is effective and safe enough, we suggest you pay attention to a few things:
- Ingredient and formulation
The first step is to make sure that the formulation really makes sense. This means that the supplement should contain active ingredients such as vitamins and minerals and are, if possible, of natural origin. You want to avoid wound healing supplements that are full of sugar and additives, so pay attention to the ingredients list.
- Dose
Proper dosing is crucial if you want the supplement you are using to show the desired effect and speed up your wound healing. Make sure you always buy supplements that have the correct clinical doses of each important ingredient, which means they show maximum effectiveness with minimal risks.
- Labeling
When choosing the optimal wound healing supplement it is very important for it to have transparent labeling, which means that all ingredients and their quantities are clearly indicated, as well as for instructions for use and other important information. If you don’t understand the label, it’s most likely a sign that you should skip that supplement.
- A trust-inspiring promotion
So many supplement companies out there tend to glorify their products and attribute to them various, almost magical properties. No wonder consumers are disappointed when they find that none of these effects have proven to be true in their case. The promotion of the wound healing supplement you are considering should instill confidence in you. Choose supplements only for those brands whose marketing strategy is based on mentioning scientifically proven facts and is promoting realistic results.
- Supplement company reputation
When choosing a wound healing supplement for yourself, we suggest that behind these products are eminent companies whose brand has a high reputation. Such companies tend to hire top experts who develop formulations, use good manufacturing practices and respect all quality standards. Only such companies can ensure that you get an efficient and safe product that will help you achieve the desired health results.
- Prices
Price is another important factor for pretty much every buyer. However, keep in mind that if it is too low, it may be a reflection of low quality, so we do not advise it to be the only factor on the basis of which you make a purchase decision. Of course, you shouldn’t even let supplement companies rip you off. Find those products whose price-quality ratio is optimal.
Below we share with you a few supplements that meet all the above criteria and with which you can not go wrong if you want to accelerate wound healing.
Best wound healing supplements
1. WoundVite™ by Zen Nutrients

Vitamin A is known to accelerate tissue epithelialization, so it is very useful when it comes to wound healing. Through a series of chemical reactions, vitamin A induces inflammatory inflammation in wounds and has a multiplier effect on wound healing even in non-deficient conditions.
Vitamin C helps the skin, bone, and soft tissues in optimal condition. Without this vitamin, collagen synthesis is impossible, which is another important function when it comes to wound healing. Vitamin C also protects the body from the adverse effects of free radicals that are formed under the influence of adverse factors (UV rays, air pollutants, stress, etc.), due to its antioxidant properties. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant and helps speed up the wound healing process.
This supplement contains phenomenal nutrients that support wound healing, contains them in optimal doses, and also meets other quality standards.
Additionally, it is the most comprehensive supplement in the United States for post-op recovery, mostly because it may help you with healing optimization and also scar reduction, but more importantly, it contains 21 pharmaceutical grade natural minerals, plants, extracts, and vitamins that can provide you with smooth skin and promote post surgical healing. It’s vegetarian friendly and 3rd party tested to ensure high quality. Best of all it’s price around $40, making it the most cost effective formula.
2. Juven® Orange Therapeutic Nutrition Powder

Juven Orange powder contains a number of key ingredients that play a significant role in wound healing, thus speeding up this process. This supplement contains various micronutrients, such as zinc and vitamins C, E, and B12. Zinc acts as a participant in a number of different chemical reactions within the wound healing process (membrane repair, oxidative stress, coagulation, inflammation, immune defense, etc.) Zinc also acts as an antioxidant and protects tissues from the adverse effects of free radicals.
Vitamin B12 plays an important role in selling division and growth and that way also contributes to accelerated wound healing. Juven powder also contains two amino acids: arginine, which supports blood flow and vasodilation, and glutamine, which supports the immune system. Both of them contribute to the wound healing process.
3. Vitanica Opti-Recovery

Vitanica Opti-Recovery is another wound healing supplement that has been shown to be effective and safe. It contains various vitamins (A, C, D, E, and K) and zinc, but also an ingredient called bromelain.
Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory рinеаррlе еnzуmе thаt can be used for pain relief. This important enzyme hеlрѕ rеduсе роѕt-ореrаtivе bruiѕing аnd ѕwеlling, lеѕѕеn роѕtореrаtivе раin, аnd ассеlеrаtе wound healing.
There are also bioflavonoids that play a role in promoting a healthy inflammatory response, as well as echinacea which is known for its immunity-boosting properties. And this property is especially important after trauma and/or surgery.
Conclusion: There are so many wound healing supplements out there, so it can be quite challenging to choose the right one. We suggest that when choosing supplements, pay attention to their ingredient list, labeling, dosage, method of promotion, company reputation, and price. We have shared with you proven good wound healing supplements that meet all the above criteria, so we advise you to give the opportunity to one of them and conclude if it works for you.
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