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List of 6 Must-have Dietary Supplements for Health and Beauty
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If you eat healthy food, you will get vitamins, elements, minerals and other useful goods naturally. However, even in this scenario, it is recommended to “help” your body by adding dietary supplements to the daily ration. Why you should do it?
Why should I take dietary supplements?
The fact is that our body needs dozens and even hundreds of different chemical compounds. The lack of one or another element will negatively affect health, the appearance of the skin, hair, nails, your activity level, mood and even tone.
Add to this the stresses that we experience almost every day, bad ecology, junk food and bad habits – all this harms us constantly.
Of course, dietary supplements cannot be called a panacea. They only help and support us. They can simplify life, give you energy for new achievements, improve your mood and your external beauty.
However, if you feel alarming symptoms of the disease, if you have chronic problems with fatigue, sleep, nutrition, be sure to visit a doctor. You may need professional medical attention and medications.
Take dietary supplements in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations and the manufacturer’s instructions. An overabundance of vitamins and other dietary supplement components can be dangerous
Where to order dietary supplements?

These goods are wide-spread mostly anywhere'. It is not difficult to find them in local supermarket. You can go to a specialized store in your city, or visit thematic marketplaces on the Internet where' you can find even more brands. The largest online store for nutritional supplements, health products and organic cosmetics is iHerb. Its catalog includes thousands of different positions.
What are the most popular dietary supplements?
Attention! Read the instructions on the package carefully. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the dietary supplement. If necessary, consult your doctor before taking.
The choice of nutritional supplement is best made in consultation with a physician or nutritionist. You should take into account the individual characteristics of your body, the presence of chronic diseases, your personal wishes and goals.
1. Omega 3 and Omega 6

The so-called “fatty acids”, which include Omega 3 and Omega 6, are real helpers for us. They help our body perform a variety of tasks – to strengthen immunity, to improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are also needed to normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, these substances improve the functioning of the brain, blood vessels and heart.
We usually get omegas from food. For example, fish is rich in omega-3. However, not always there are foods that have a sufficient amount of “natural” fatty acids in our diet. Therefore, almost everyone is recommended to add dietary supplements, which include Omega-3 and Omega-6, to their ration.
2. Vitamin complexes
As with fatty acids, we get some vitamins from food, especially if our daily diet contains a lot of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat and fish, and dairy products.
Still almost everyone is recommended to take properly selected vitamin complexes over and above. These can be vitamins for children, vitamins for “men’s” or “women’s health”, vitamins for people over 50 or 60 years old, vegetarian vitamins, vitamins for pregnant women, moms or those who are planning a pregnancy, and so on.
Even if you are not included in the listed groups of people, you still need vitamins – for the proper functioning of organs and immunity, to maintain tone and attention, for energy during the working day and healthy sleep.
3. Specialized complexes

In addition to vitamin complexes, the category of dietary supplements includes specialized complexes based on natural extracts, acids, minerals and other useful elements.
Among the variety of complexes, dietary supplements can be noted for people with problem skin, for those who want to restore the intestinal microflora, for joint health, for muscle recovery after training and stress, and so on. Sometimes specialized complexes contain antioxidants, probiotics, chlorophyll, and so on.
4. Super food
This category includes various foods that differ from “ordinary food” in their beneficial properties.
One of the most famous representatives of this category is chia seeds, which do not have a bright taste, but are a source of loads of nutrients, including potassium and calcium. This ‘super food’ category also includes some seeds of other plants, some nuts and legumes.
Super-foods can be sold in their “natural” state, such as seeds you add to yogurts and smoothies, or as extracts and supplements. It is recommended to add these products to the diet to everyone (if there is no individual intolerance).
It is not necessary that your whole diet consists of superfoods only. You can add them according to personal taste preferences or take it as already balanced supplements.
5. Natural unrefined oils

Oil is one of the most useful products that nature has given us. Especially if it is properly used in moderation. Adding oils to your diet can not only improve the taste of your meals, but also make them healthier. This, of course, is about unrefined oils, preferably cold-pressed ‘virgin’ oils – olive oil, avocado oils, coconut, flax, mustard seeds, and so on.
Specialized brands offer special oils for baking bread and confectionery, special oils for frying (they can be heated to high temperatures and do not emit harmful substances, smoke and fumes). There are even organic oils of animal origin – these are products from cows of special breeds that grazed on clean pastures and ate only grass.
6. Organic sweets
In conclusion, let’s talk about organic sweets. Probably, they cannot be classified as dietary supplements, but healthy sweets are becoming an alter-native to “classic” sweets, etc. Especially if you want to reduce your intake of carbohydrates, “bad sugar”, or you need to completely exclude it for health reasons.
Such sweets as well as other dietary supplements may even be useful. Their difference is the low sugar content or its complete absence at all, as well as the presence of vitamins and other substances in the composition, which are needed not only by kids, but adults. And what is more, they are delicious and sweet.
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