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How Do You Get Rid of Snakes Around Your Yard – 2022 Guide
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Snakes are reptiles that are spread all over our planet. They are everywhere', the only difference may be how dangerous they are. In some territories, there are less dangerous snakes, while in some, such as Australia, there are many dangerous species that can be found in everyone’s yard.
There are a large number of people who have a phobia of snakes, although no one is comfortable seeing them, for some it can produce huge stress. Very often people cannot think straight when they find themselves in close contact with snakes. People because of panic do reckless and quite stupid things, and in a situation where' you see a snake near your house, a clear mind is more than necessary.
You may be wondering, ok, but what are they looking for near our home? You must be aware that every place that is pleasant to you is also pleasant to these uninvited guests. Cold, preserved grass, plants, various odors, and therefore insects and small animals, etc, all this is what attract snakes. Either way, we don’t want them, whether they’re poisonous or completely harmless. For this reason, we are writing this guide, because there are certain tricks on how to snake repellents for the yard. So let’s start:
1. Get rid of a pile of stones from your yard

In addition to food, what snakes are most looking for is shelter. They prefer piles of stones or cracks of different types. Knowing this, it is clear to you what you should or should not do. Eliminate every pile of stones in your yard. Maybe you have made some decoration from stones or you want to make a hill by piling up stones, you must be aware that it is an ideal bait for snakes. Accumulated stones can be a habitat for small rodents and frogs, so they are again interesting to snakes. Therefore, if you know that there are snakes in the place where' the house is, get rid of these things immediately.
In addition to the stones, we said that you must be careful with cracks around the foundation, anywhere' on the path or concrete. It is worth visiting all these potential snake houses and patching them up neatly.
2. Get rid of anything that may be suitable as a shelter for these reptiles

Stones and cracks are the number one spot but not the only places where' snakes can sneak in and decide to stay. If you heat the wood, whether they are stacked or precisely stacked, it can be a great refuge. There are also small pits that can be found in your backyard. If you’ve ever played golf or holes that have thawed from umbrellas and other props, here’s another uninvited guest. Be sure to bury these holes. It is best to do it with gravel.
Next, an old garden watering hose that you don’t use so often, old carts, thick brooms that rarely move, etc, all can be an interesting shelter for snake ladies.
3. Standing water can be a problem

Like humans and other animals, snakes need to drink water, especially in summer conditions. As much as small ponds, pools, birdbaths and similar stagnant waters look beautiful in your backyard, they can also pose a risk to uninvited guests. There are also rainwater collection barrels and small lakes/ponds for garden irrigation. All of these are tempting elements for gathering snakes, so it would be best to get rid of them if possible. Not only can they be sources of drinking water for snakes, but they can also grow many animals that are very attractive to these predators.
4. Get rid of all food sources

If you do not want these visitors, it is very important to eliminate all sources of food that are interesting to snakes. These include kittens, rats, fish, frogs, moles, snails, slugs, grasshoppers and many other animals that can easily become prey. So, in addition to a place to rest and breed, snakes need a meal. If we eliminate it, we have also eliminated the probability that they will appear on our territory.
5. Opt for predators

Just as there are animals that prey on snakes, there are animals in the food chain that eat or at least chase snakes. These include cats, raccoons, weasels, but also turkeys and pigs. If you don’t want snakes on your property, these animals can help you with that.
6. Snake repellents

In the fight against snakes, various techniques and tricks have been developed to keep them away from you. So you can also buy fox urine, which has proven to be excellent protection against snakes. You can also use other, natural snack repellents for the yard such as sulfur, clove oil, vinegar, cinnamon, and many others. The selection of snake repellents in Australia is really large.
If, however, these little tricks fail you and you spot a snake in your backyard, there are a few things you can do before snake professionals come to free you. It is very important to stay calm and stable to make the right decisions. Based on the pattern, try to assess whether the snake is poisonous or not. This will also help the wildlife control company know the degree of urgency. What you can do is create a barrier around the snake with the help of boards, boxes or similar materials that will stop further movement of the snake. Of course, you do all this from a safe distance. If the water hose is near you, you can spray the snake, which will turn it off the road. What snakes don’t like is smoke, so you can use that too.
However, it is best to keep your distance and not pretend to be too brave and wait for the professionals to do their part.
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